Breastfeeding Support Begins at Island Hospital
One of the important decisions you will make during your pregnancy is how you will feed your baby. Due to…
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
After hours enter through the Emergency Department Entrance (26th Street)
Becoming a parent is a special time in your life and we want your birth experience to be as memorable and joyful as possible. You deserve to be treated with respect and sensitivity and to be made to feel comfortable and safe. Our goal is to exceed your expectations and honor your individual wishes. Island Birth Center is devoted to creating a supportive environment with an experienced team, ready to welcome your little one into the world.
Rest assured that prior to delivery, your healthcare provider sends up-to-date records about your pregnancy, so the staff begins planning for your baby’s arrival as you near the special day. When it’s time, you will feel relaxed in our secure, private birth suites and you will have a one-on-one nurse with you throughout the delivery process. You have the added benefit of being cared for by top-quality staff that is equipped to immediately respond to a medical emergency. As you recover, you and your family will relish the first special moments together in a private and comfortable postpartum room.
There are a few signs that tell you when labor is approaching:
Upon arriving at the hospital, please check in at one of these two entrances:
Emergency Department (26th Street): 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Main (24th Street): Monday – Friday, 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Birth Rooms
Temperature control and lighting options are within your reach. Monitoring equipment can be modified to the least obtrusive option available depending on the circumstance. All rooms have a private bathroom and shower. A tub room is available; however, occasionally it may already be occupied.
Your bed accommodates multiple positions for labor and birth. We have exercise balls, peanut ball, squat bar and CUB (comfortable upright birth) chair available. A recliner or cot is available for your support person.
Family and Support
Your support persons must be at least 18 years of age and self-sufficient. Visiting hours apply for the second support person, except during active labor. If the patient is actively laboring, both support persons can be present, regardless of the time of day. Men accompanying their partner in the shower or tub must wear shorts or swim attire. They are asked to remain clothed while sleeping in the room. No children are allowed in the Birth Center at this time.
We cannot allow video recording during delivery. However, you may take video during labor and after the delivery is complete. Still pictures may be taken throughout the delivery.
For pre-op instructions refer to your specific papers from your provider’s office. These instructions will include the last time you may eat or drink anything prior to surgery and when to check in.
Your support person should eat something prior to coming into the hospital with you. Cell phones for photos are allowed in the operating room. No video recording is allowed.
We encourage skin-to-skin contact, or kangaroo care, immediately after delivery when possible. Your baby will remain skin-to-skin for approximately the first hour after delivery.
Delayed Cord Clamping
Delayed cord clamping involves prolonging the time between delivery of the newborn and clamping of the umbilical cord. It is usually performed between 25 seconds to five minutes after giving birth. It allows more blood to transfer from the placenta to the baby. Most of our providers practice delayed cord clamping when possible. If you deliver via cesarean section, delayed cord clamping is not possible.
We are honored you have chosen the Birth Center at Island Hospital for the birth of your baby. Our staff is dedicated to providing you with the safest and best possible birth experience. Please contact the Birth Center if you have any questions or if we can be of assistance in any way. Our phone number is 360.299.1331.
One of the important decisions you will make during your pregnancy is how you will feed your baby. Due to…
Schedule your mammogram Schedule your screening mammogram ONLINE through the myIslandHealth Patient Portal, or call 360.299.1315. NOTE: Please see your…