Visitor Policy

The health and wellness of our patients and staff is our top priority. While masking is not required at this time, Island Health will continue to take effective precautions and measures endorsed by the CDC and Department of Health to ensure the safety of all.

Please review our Visitor Policy.

Nurse after getting her Covid vaccine.


Island Health encourages everyone who is eligible to get vaccinated for COVID-19.

Island Health is currently not administering vaccines to the public, however, many local pharmacies and public health departments offer free vaccines. Island Health primary care patients will be offered a COVID-19 vaccine during regularly scheduled provider appointments.

COVID Testing and Care

Need care?

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and need to see a provider for care, call 360.293.3101 to schedule an appointment.

Exposed but feeling ok?

If you have been exposed or have COVID-19 symptoms that don’t require a provider’s attention, Skagit County Public Health offers free COVID-19 testing.

Need Proof of Your Vaccine?

Vaccinated at Island Health

If you received your COVID-19 vaccine at Island Health, you may contact Medical Records to request your vaccination record.

Vaccinated in Washington State

If you received your COVID-19 vaccine in Washington State, you can access your official vaccine certificate online through one of the following services:

Frequently Asked Questions